Guide to fighting boss ChilDe in Genshin Impact. As you may know, yesterday we had a patch update of 60mb. Maybe you don’t know, that patch is to fix a pretty terrible bug, allowing you to have a buff + 45% of ATK permanently, can teleport, can be used when fighting Wolf. And sure you know, we don’t have 100 at all.

So the recent bug, ae bug was gone before Mihoyo fixes (and whips up our 100k again)
Bug beat BOSS ChilDe.
You need to have Traveler GEO. Male or Female are fine, but Female is cuter.
Come and beat ChilDe.
Bug 1: In the second form of ChilDe: If you drop the kick, then climb it up, then ChilDe will go around the bar because you continue hitting. Ae can use this time to heal, revive, take a breather, or if a champion hits far, it will kill him.
Bug 2: In the 3rd form of ChilDe: You drop the main rock, then hide behind the rock. The boss will speedily attack the brothers, but since the stones are a bit delicious, the boss is a bit high. So it will stand and dance on the rock and will let you beat it.
Note: It doesn’t matter if you knock the boss off the rock, as long as you and the boss 1 in 2 have 1 on the rock. If both of them fall off the rock, or if the rock is broken, the boss will work again as usual.