Tip for turning off your super fast computer if you want to leave quickly after work

Tip for turning off your super fast computer if you want to leave quickly after work. Every time after school or after work, everyone wants to turn off their computers quickly to leave early to avoid turning off roads in big cities. In today’s article ngolongtech will share to you “Tip super fast computer shutdown if you want to quickly leave after work”.

Tip for turning off your super fast computer if you want to leave quickly after work
Tip for turning off your super fast computer if you want to leave quickly after work


If the traditional way off, you will have to access the menu and then select Power and then shutdown. The operation may seem familiar, but there are still ways to optimize this. With just a combination of keys or a double click you can completely shutdown the computer quickly. With the goal of saving you time, professionalizing your operations, or simply finishing your work quickly, leaving the shift and leaving early. In today’s article SUACHUALAPTOP24h.com will share to you “Tip super fast computer shutdown if you want to quickly leave after work”.

Press the Windows + X key combination

You just need to press the Windows + X key combination and double-click the U-key, the computer will turn off instantly.

Press the key combination Alt + F4

This way you just need to press Alt + F4 and press Enter to turn off the machine in a snap.

Use Run to turn off the device

Access Run by pressing Windows + R and then entering shutdown / s , press Enter twice to finish the process.

Create a quick shutdown button with Shortcut

This is also a super fast way to help you turn off your computer immediately to do so, please follow these steps:

Step 1 : At the main screen, right-click and select New, and then select Shortcut .

Step 2 : Next, enter the command Shutdown.exe -s -t 00 and click Next .

Step 3 : Rename the Shortcut as you like and click Finish as shown in the picture, the name of the change is Shutdown .

Step 4 : The shutdown button will appear on the screen and you just need to click on it to turn off the computer.

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