Instructions on how to delete friends with little interaction on Facebook are simple and effective , least interacted with facebook. To solve this problem, I will guide how to remove friends with little interaction on Facebook to improve interaction and ‘make room’ for real friends. Facebook is one of the most developed social networks in the world. Not only being comfortable “eight”, making friends with friends and exchanging jobs conveniently, Facebook is also a big market for doing business and trading. However, the number of friends does not mean high interaction, or a lot of singles, even those who have never seen it and never appear on their feed.

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How can I identify Facebook friends who never like or engage with my posts?
There’s a way to identify Facebook friends who never engage with your posts !
You can use a Chrome Extension called “FB Toolset-Remove Inactive Friends & AutoLike” to identify such friends.
Here’s a step-by-step process for the same :
- Install the “FB Toolset-Remove Inactive Friends & AutoLike” Chrome Extension.
- Login to your FB Account.
- Click on the this chrome extension button. There are 3 options. Click on “Facebook Profile Analyzer”.

4. Input the number of posts based on which you want to identify inactive friends.

5. It analyzes the posts.

6. It shows you all your inactive friends and with a single click of a button, you can also delete all of them.
Why do you have to delete your Facebook friends with little interaction
Longtime Facebook users, the biggest headache is the growing friends list, but the interactions are not corresponding. But to find friends who just “make friends for fun”, it takes time and effort. Therefore, in this article will guide in detail tips to delete Facebook friends that have little or no interaction.
3 most effective ways to delete friends with least interaction on Facebook today
To be able to quickly and effectively delete less-interactive, non-interactive friends, you can use one of the less interactive Facebook friends delete software below.
Method 1: Use Friend Remover Pro
How to delete friends with little interaction on Facebook is not complicated, with just a few taps you will be able to find virtual friends and purify them. However, the way Viettel instructs below can only be done on computers, not applicable to phones.
Step 1: Download extension Friend Remover Pro on Chrome browser
Link: HERE

Step 2: After starting the application, the system will need some time to download all the friends list, depending on how many friends or less.

The system will list your facebook friends and sort by level of “interaction”, which means that as the end will be a list of virtual friends, ie people who have little or no interaction.

Step 3: Finally, the system will ask you again, whether you want to delete these friends or not. If you agree, continue to press the button ” Remove Friends “.
Method 2: Use Monokai Toolkit application
Monokai Toolkit application is developed on Android devices, allowing users to easily manage their personal Facebook accounts more simply and scientifically. Monokai Toolkit provides many useful features such as filtering friends list, making quick comments, poking friends….

Below will be a detailed guide on how to delete Facebook friends using Monokai Toolkit application on phones and computers.
– Monokai Toolkit on phone
Step 1 : Open the Monokai Toolkit app on your phone and log in with your Facebook account.
Step 2 : At the main interface of the Monokai Toolkit application, you choose to switch to the Features tab by pressing the icon of the screwdriver and the crossed wrench. Here search and select the feature Remove non-interactive friends .

Step 3 : Click on the Delete Friends button to delete immediately or click on Edit Delete List to see the deleted friends and mark the appropriate selection.
– Monokai Toolkit on PC
Step 1 : Download and install Monokai Toolkit to your computer according to the instructions on the application.
Step 2 : Open the Monokai Toolkit application, choose to enter the address and click on Manage all features .
Step 3 : In the feature interface in the right column, expand the Friend Features section and select the feature of Delete Non-Interactive Friends .

Step 4 : The Monokai Toolkit will automatically categorize and display the most recent friends who have not interacted with your posts. To remove less interactive friends, place a checkmark on those who need to cancel friends and click Remove – x friends to complete.
Note : Unlike the mobile version, the feature to find and delete non-interactive friends on MonoKai Toolkit by computer requires an account upgrade fee to Premium to use.
Method 3: Use Extention Friend Remover Free
Step 1: Download and install Friend Remover Pro utility for the web browser in use. In this section, continue to click Add to Chrome , in the new notification dialog box that appears, click Add extension .

Wait for the installation to complete, you will see the icon of the Friend Remover Pro utility at the bottom of the address bar on the right corner of the Chrome browser.
Step 2: Sign in to your personal Facebook account.
Step 3: Click on the Friend Remover Pro icon, the utility will help list all your friends on the Facebook friend list.
Step 4: Here, users search for those who want to delete friends by clicking on their Facebook account name or to delete all Facebook friends, select Select All .
Step 5: Once you have selected the friends you need to delete on Facebook, click Remove Friends at the bottom. At the new interface that appears, it will ask to confirm whether the user is sure to unfriend the selected Facebook accounts or not, then click Remove Friends to confirm completion.
Step 6: After the unfriending process, Facebook will complete the application will send a confirmation message.
Here’s a quick and simple way to remove your less-interactive Facebook friends . You can use the 1-3 month interval to filter friends, increase interaction and especially useful for people who are trading and doing business on Facebook.
least interacted with facebook
FriendFilter is an intuitive tool that helps to find inactive friends and keep your friends list clean and engaged.
After you create your account, connect your Facebook profile, and install the FriendFilter Chrome extension, you need to let FriendFilter sync your friend list and engagement.
It’ll read all the posts on your page and looks at likes, comments and shares.
When it’s done, you’ll be able to see how many active and inactive friends you have, how many likes and comment each of them left on your posts and when they interacted with your content last time.

In the engagement settings, you can define how many days, activities, comments, and shares FriendFilter should fetch to analyze the engagement.
After that, you can go to the tab with inactive friends. You’ll see the list of people who didn’t interact with your content during the period you set in the settings.
You can go through the list and whitelist the Facebook friends you don’t want to delete even if they don’t interact with your content (e.g. your family members, friends, etc.). Then just with a few mouse clicks, remove the rest of the inactive Facebook friends.
FriendFilter will open your Facebook profile and start deleting friends.
That’s how you can easily and fast identify and remove inactive Facebook friends to keep your friend list clean and engaged!
FriendFilter Pricing
Friend Filter has a free trial, where you can try out the app and start to collect the data on your account so you can know who is engaging and who is not.
After that, you can choose between a monthly subscription ($15/mo) and a yearly one (just $99) and enjoy the benefits of the Pro plan with the unlimited friends’ removals.