Error of failing to enable User Graphics Processor in photoshop

Error of failing to enable User Graphics Processor in photoshop. This is a function to increase the performance of the GPU on photoshop software and some other Adobe software. That is, it will make your operations borrowed more by using the graphics card.

Case 1: Your device has 1 discrete graphics card 

Click  Start> Control Panel> NVIDIA Control Panel  .

In  3D Settings> Manage 3D Settings  , select the Program Settings tab 

In the  Select a program to customize: list  , select  Adobe Photoshop (photoshop.exe)



Next in the  Select the preferred graphics processor for this program: list  , select  High-performance NVIDIA processor



Note that in the NVIDIA Control Panel, the setting using  integrated graphics  is the default mode

Remember to restart Adobe Photoshop if it is running.



Go to Adobe Photoshop, choose  Edit> Preference> Performance …  you’ll see the VIDIA GPU on the list instead of Intel HD Graphics.


Case 2: Your computer uses an onboard card

If your computer uses an onboard card, this is a bad luck.

Like my PC using hd4600 card, the User Graphics Processor accepts the card and handles tasks like a separate card. If your computer has not received it, you need to update your computer’s drive card.

Or replace with a better graphics card.

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