Instructions for cleaning a simple copier at the office

Instructions for cleaning a simple copier at the office. In the process of using your copier, you can stick dirt on any part of the machine. This may affect the operation and life of the device. If we know how to clean our copier properly. Will help our copier to increase the service life. And the activity becomes much smoother after a long time of operation.

Instructions for cleaning a simple copier at the office
Instructions for cleaning a simple copier at the office

Instructions for cleaning a simple copier at the office

Step 1: We will general cleaning is cleaning the body of the copier

To clean the surface of the control panel and the handle, use alcohol and soft cloth to clean it. In addition, a special glass cleaner can be used to clean the glass.

Experts also recommend that you clean the outside using a specialized solution with antistatic function to ensure maximum safety and the best for the device.

Step 2: Clean the Drum unit with a soft brush

After general cleaning, clean the body of the photo case, then you need to clean the Drum unit.

Drums are an important part of any copier, but after long-term operation, dirt will stick to the drum, resulting in poor print quality, often with long black lines.

When this happens, Drum needs to be cleaned and cleaned. You can use a soft bristle brush, perform cleaning, gently wipe this part to avoid affecting or damaging components.

Step 3: Clean the drying lot with oil

Photocopiers operating for a long time will cause the oil in the dryer unit to be empty, not operate smoothly and smoothly. At this point, you need to conduct cleaning, cleaning, and adding oil to the machine to make the dryer work better, thereby increasing the life and ensure the quality of prints.

Phu Son technicians also recommend using silicol oil with anti-stick function to ensure equipment safety.

Step 4: Clean the toner cartridge and paper receiving tray

The final step in cleaning the copier is to clean the toner cartridge and paper receiving tray. Accordingly, you need to use a chyyeen vacuum cleaner to clean the cartridge part.

Maintain a routine, clean the cartridge regularly, periodically to get the best print quality, free from stains. And with the paper receiving tray, you can use a soft, clean cloth to gently wipe away the dirt

Cartridges and paper-receiving trays are an important part of the process, therefore, they must be ingenious, careful and clean. Above are steps to clean copier. However, during cleaning the machine, you need to note some of the following issues:

  • When the copier is not turned off, never perform the cleaning procedure as this may cause a fire or electric shock.
  • Avoid using organic solvents or chemical cleaners to clean the machine. Because these substances, if dropped inside, will melt plastic parts and study components, making it impossible to operate.


Other than the above, you should not clean other parts on your own. If desired, please seek the help of technicians specialized in copier repair to perform.

Cleaning copiers is quite simple and easy, but you need to rely on the guidance and advice of experts to ensure safety while extending the life of the device. In addition, the machine should be cleaned periodically, according to the supplier’s instructions.

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