How to enable scrubby zoom in photoshop. Question: “When using two windows scrub zoom is only available for one of them. (Likley not a problem with OpenGL) Using OS windows 7, Version cs6 photoshop.”

Table of Contents
How to enable scrubby zoom in Photoshop
try the following steps:
- Go to Edit – Preferences – Performance.
- Click the [ Advanced Settings… ] button in the GPU Settings group.
- Change the Mode to Basic.
- Close and restart Photoshop.
How to fix Photoshop zooming problem
1.Change Photoshop’s Working Mode
- Step 1: Go to Edit -> Preferences -> Performance

- Step 2: Select Advanced Settings in the GPU Settings group

- Step 3: Change the Mode to Basic -> Click OK

- Step 4: Turn off and restart Photoshop and you’re done
2.Use other keyboard shortcuts for Zoom operation
- Using the Zoom tool in Photoshop:
You click on the Zoom Tool or use the keyboard shortcut Shift + Z to open it then:
- Left click on any point to Zoom the image.
- Hold down the Alt key and then left click on any point to zoom out
- Use the Zoom In or Zoom Out option on the Menu Bar
- Go to View -> Zoom In or Zoom Out to zoom in and out in Photoshop
- Use keyboard shortcuts to zoom in and out
- Press the Ctrl + + key combination to enlarge the image in Photoshop (Zoom in).
- Press Ctrl + – to zoom out the image in Photoshop (Zoom out).
- Use keyboard shortcuts in combination with the mouse to zoom in and out
- Hold down Ctrl + Space (spacebar) -> Left click on any area to enlarge the image (Zoom in)
- Hold down Alt + Space (space button) -> Left click on any area to zoom out (Zoom out)
- Scroll to zoom in and out
Photoshop does not yet allow you to scroll to zoom in or zoom out the image, we can enable this feature with the following actions:
- Step 1: Press Ctrl + K to bring up the Preferences dialog box
- Step 2: Find and select the option Tools
- Step 3: Tick Zoom with Scroll Wheel -> Select OK and you’re done
Immediately after doing this, open the image and scroll / scroll the mouse (Scroll) to be able to zoom in and out quickly.
Other solutions
- If that doesn’t help, it could be an issue with your GPU driver, have you tried updating your driver from the manufacturers website
Troubleshoot Photoshop graphics processor (GPU) and graphics driver issues
To confirm go to Preferences Performance and temporarily turn off Use Graphics Processor. Then restart Photoshop.
If that fixes it, turn the GPU back on. Check for any driver updates for your GPU.
Then go to Advanced and try the alternative drawing modes – Basic through to Advanced. Note you will need to restart each time.
- Try a reset of the Zoom Tool Ctrl or Right-click the arrow next to the glass. Another idea is to restart your Mac or PC.

Try resetting your Preferences then: Mac or PC?
If you need a quick and dirty way to restore your preferences, here’s a way you can do it using a keyboard shortcut on launch:
Windows – CTRL-SHIFT-ALT immediately after you double-click the PS icon.
Macintosh – CMD-SHIFT-OPTION immediately after you double-click the PS icon.