Increase resolution of image Photoshop

Increase resolution of image Photoshop. For images with a small resolution, when you zoom in, it becomes blurry. However, we can still fix this by using new technology in Photoshop called Preserve Details 2.0 Upscale. This feature uses artificial intelligence to preserve important details and textures while resizing the image, reducing distortion of details while helping to increase image size and reduce distortion when zooming. In this article, we will introduce you to how to Increase the resolution of image Photoshop.
Increase resolution of image Photoshop
Increase resolution of image Photoshop
Note: This feature is available on Photoshop CC and Photoshop versions 2018 and above.

Đây là ảnh gốc

This is the original photo

B1: Chọn Edit---> Preferences Technology Preview....

Step 1: Select Edit—> Preferences Technology Preview….
B3 : Tích vào ô Enable preserve details 2.0 upcase --> OK
Step 2: Check the box Enable preserve details 2.0 upcase -> OK

B4: Edit ---> Image size

Step 3: Edit —> Image size
B5: Điều chỉnh lại Width và Height. Resample : Preserve Details 2.0 và điều chỉnh reduce noise cho phù hợp
Step 4: Adjust the Width and Height again. Resample : Preserve Details 2.0 and adjust the noise reduction accordingly
Đây là kết quả
Here is the result

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