Hows to fix File History: Element Not Found Error on Windows 10 .
Using Windows 10 May 2004 edition with a brand new install of File History on two different machines now, I have managed to run into the following issue.
Selecting Clean up versions, then “Clean up”:

I get the following dialog:

Again, this is on two different machines, with a clean install.
Note that I am using a simple folder with a 4KB file within it, although I first saw this on a fully-configured install with about 1.5TB worth of data within it. This led me to diagnosing the issue and ultimately trying it on these two separate machines with a clean install.
Is this a known issue for 2004?
Thank you for any assistance/context/insight you can provide!
Thank you for your input, @Bree! I was wondering if there might be something related to installing/starting File History with a previous version of Windows. In fact, I have a 3rd machine that is also using File History and is running on 2004, but I am afraid to try to reproduce it in fear that it might be invalidating/corrupting the instance somehow.
FWIW 2004 and Windows, in general, has been running really well for me outside of this.
– – – Updated – – –
Good news: It appears that the following works:
1.Disconnect the File History drive (“Stop using drive”) from Backup Setttings -> More options.
2.Repair as discussed here: Repair Install Windows 10 with an In-place Upgrade
3.Reconnect File History on repaired drive.
Using the above fixed the problem for me and I am able to use File History Cleaup functions again.
Bad news is that I have ANOTHER problem due to the repair, as discussed here:
After Repair: Can Shutdown/Boot but Not Restart/Boot
Thank you for any continued assistance/thoughts/prayers you can lend. 🙂