Fix laptop hanging logo. Your computer is suffering from a problem with the logo cannot access the operating system, you are worried about what is wrong with the computer. So with this article we will outline some ways to solve that problem. First of all, you need to find out why the logo hangs, there are many different reasons one of them such as

Table of Contents
1. CPU faulty
This is a very common case, the faulty cpu makes your computer unable to boot into the computer. Especially the dell laptop line hangs the logo more often, then the asus laptop hangs the logo….
2. Hard drive failure
After a while using your hard drive will have a problem (because the hard drive has its lifespan). Usually the error we call a bad sector, if the hard drive is damaged a little, then you wait for a while the computer will still be able to access the Windows, but if the hard drive of the machine is damaged too badly, it will stand forever in the logo. To check this case, remove the hard drive to the outside, turn on the device if the computer is straight inside, confirm that the HDD error
the computer is at home
3. Ram error
Although the case due to less ram, it is not uncommon, moreover, the ram test is quite simple, you can just remove 1-2 screws at the back of the device to see the ram, from there advancing sine ram guard is finished.
4. The keyboard is stuck
Your computer keyboard is stuck making you have to wait a long time in the logo process of your computer, which makes you think that your computer is stuck logo, so please check if your keyboard is stuck, abnormal. Any key or not
5. Mainboard error
The last case that can happen is the mainboard error, talking about the mainboard, many problems lead to this situation.If you want to know exactly, you can only bring it to the companies, computer repair centers to check
But you need to pay attention to where you want to check the information of that place first to see if it is good or not, look for reputable places to entrust your beloved laptop. Where there is a transparent and transparent process such as receiving devices with serial numbers, product information and equipment, having guests sign clearly….