Fix 2017: have error The specified module could not be found. Laptop have error The specified module could not be found. My laptop has this error:
There was a problem starting
C: User Customer AppData Local Microsoft TaskPlay caches.dat
The specified module could not be found
Hope you guys just fix this
Fix 2017: have error The specified module could not be found
Table of Contents
Reason of Error
1. May be have dll. files are damaged or missing ;
2. intervened by malware, adware or other spyware;
3. Some thing Incorrect installation of applications;
4. Damaged or obsolete windows registry;
5. Outdated windows device drivers that require updating;
6. Corrupted file allocation;
Fix 2017: have error The specified module could not be found
Find error Dll and you just copy it from another machine and replace it or you can download from internet. For example, if .dLL is “C:UseruserAppDataLocalTemp\mdi164.dll you can download or copy the same on the internet
Method 2 is you can reinstall the software – cased error