Last updated: As of December 10, 2020, Vietnam had confirmed the total 1,381 Coronavirus Cases. Deaths: 35. Recovered: 1,225.
Those planning to travel to Vietnam should be aware of the latest restrictions currently in place:
Vietnam has suspended the entry of all foreigners from March 22 until further notice to limit the spread of COVID-19. The measure will not apply to diplomats, officials, foreign investors, experts, and skilled workers.
Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security and local authorities are conducting comprehensive inspections to locate undocumented individuals throughout Vietnam.

Travellers in Vietnam may have questions about the spread of the virus in Vietnam, as well as which policies are in place in Vietnam. Below is a full overview of the COVID-19 situation in Vietnam as it relates to travellers.
As of August 4, Vietnam’s Ministry of Health confirmed a total of 652 cases of COVID-19. However, 374 of the affected patients have recovered and been discharged from hospitals. Vietnam has also recorded seven deaths due to the pandemic. The latest cases have been reported from Da Nang and Quang Nam.
From July 28, 2020 for 15 days, all domestic flights to and from Da Nang are suspended. Vietnam’s Ministry of Transportation has also halted all interprovincial road transport to and from Da Nang, with special exceptions only.
As of July 29, Quang Nam Province and Phu Yen Province have temporarily suspended entry to all tourist sites. Festivals, sporting events and large gatherings have been suspended in these areas, and non-essential services such as bars, amusement parks, and massage parlours are closed. In Da Nang and Da Lak Province, locals and residents are required to follow new social distancing directives. Gatherings of more than two people in public places are not allowed, individuals are requested to stay home and only go out for necessities, and must keep two meters apart and wear masks in public places. The city’s hotels and resorts will not be welcoming new tourists for a period of 14 days from July 26.
From July 30 in Hanoi and July 31 in Ho Chi Minh City, bars and clubs have been ordered to close temporarily, and suspended all religious activities, sports and large gatherings with more than 30 people. Health authorities request anyone who has travelled through 20 epidemic points in Da Nang, Hoi An and Hanoi to report for testing at local screening centres.
The government of Vietnam has ordered drastic contact tracing, large-scale COVID-19 testing and strict border control in response to the increasing number of COVID-19 community transmission cases throughout the country. Da Nang is currently applying the strict social distancing measures outlined in Directive 16 until at least August 11; the city is also conducting COVID-19 tests for individuals and regions considered high-risk. Hanoi is testing all individuals who traveled to Da Nang since July 8 whereas Ho Chi Minh City is testing those who traveled to Da Nang since July 1. Other localities are taking similar measures according to the guidance of the Ministry of Health and the local People’s Committees.
From July 28 for at least 15 days, all passenger flights to and from Da Nang are suspended; long-distance trains and bus routes are also not allowed to stop in the city, with limited exceptions listed here (in Vietnamese only). Please note that although private vehicles are not included in the ban list, people in Da Nang are currently advised to stay home and only go out when absolutely necessary at least until August 11. Multiple checkpoints have been established to screen travelers to and from the city in an effort to quickly detect suspected COVID-19 cases, and travelers may be asked to return to their point of departure.
From August 1 until further notice, Ha Noi banned large public gatherings and requested the temporary closure of bars, nightclubs, and karaoke lounges. People must wear face coverings in public places and maintain 2-meter physical distancing. For further information, please see the Vietnamese government’s website here (in Vietnamese only).
* From July 31 until further notice, Ho Chi Minh City banned festival and sports events, as well as any event or public gathering involving more than 30 people; bars and nightclubs must be closed. The city announced on August 4 that people who do not wear face coverings in public places will be fined. For further information, please see the Vietnamese government’s website here.
* Da Nang and Hoi An are currently applying the strictest social distancing measures outlined in Directive 16 respectively until August 11 and 14. Other localities may also take the same measure or apply the more loosened social distancing guidelines outlined in Directive 19. Multiple areas in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai and other localities considered to be high-risked of COVID-19 are being isolated.
The Vietnamese Ministry of Transportation announced July 28 that all passengers using public means of transport (bus, taxi, trains, planes, ships, etc.) must complete online health declaration before the trip and minimize communications during the trip. For further information, please see the Vietnamese Ministry of Health’s website here (in Vietnamese only).
Phu Yen and Quang Nam have temporarily shut down tourist destinations starting July 29; other localities may take similar measures depending on the development of the current COVID-19 situation. If you have upcoming travel to Da Nang and the surrounding area (including Hoi An), it is recommended that you check with your travel agent or accommodation provider in advance to confirm the validity of your reservation as well as scheduled closures of tourism sites. For further information, please see the Vietnamese government’s website here.
The Vietnamese Ministry of Health issued an Emergency Notice requesting individuals who have been to high-risk venues in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang and Quang Nam to self-quarantine and contact the nearest healthcare facility for instructions. For more details please see the notice here.
Visa exemptions and temporary bans
Temporarily stop issuing e-Visa for foreigners who are in or have recently visited areas where Covid-19 is spreading.
From March 22 until further notice, Vietnam has temporarily suspended entry for all foreign nationals. Vietnam will not be issuing visas or allowing entry to any travellers at this time, including those who already hold visas or visa exemptions. Only Vietnamese nationals, foreigners on diplomatic or official business, and highly skilled workers allowed to enter the country at this time. Anyone entering Vietnam must undergo medical checks and 14-day quarantine upon arrival.
All foreigners who entered Vietnam after March 1 on visa exemptions, e-visas or tourism visas will be given automatic stay extensions at no charge until July 31, 2020. Travellers still in the country should declare their temporary residence to local police, through their landlords or hotels, and must complete Vietnam’s online health declaration here.
Visitors who entered the country before March 1 may be considered for the extension, provided they can show an official letter from their embassy or consulate stating they were unable to leave the country due to objective reasons. Foreigners who have undergone quarantine or treatment for Covid-19 in Vietnam are also eligible for the extension. They must bring their certification documents to show immigration officials when leaving Vietnam.
For questions about the new policy, please call Vietnam’s Immigration Department at 024 3938 7320.