What was the point of re-writing the taskbar code from scratch? How to fix Taskbar Windows 10 not working, Fix Taskbar Windows 10, Taskbar Win 10 not responding, Reset Taskbar Windows 11, Restart taskbar, Windows 10 taskbar bug, Microsoft Start menu troubleshooter Fix Start menu Windows 10

I seriously don’t get it, but I’m no tech expert.
There doesnt seem to be any groundbreaking new features, yet a lot of features have been removed (like resizing, moving, options on right-click etc.). Seems to me that this was rather a pointless endeavour, and considering the state that a lot of the OS is in, that manpower could have been used elsewhere.
Or is there something I am missing? I’m geniuinely curious.
MEthod 1:
Imagine the Taskbar as you building a house in 1995, then in 1998, you add some more rooms that all need electricity. Then in 2000 you build out your house again with a more rooms and a bathroom on the top floor, that need to have water pipes and sewage going to it – though the old rooms. The pipes are hidden, but you also need support beams to support it all and stairs. Then in 2001, you decide to update all the walls, making them rounder, and painting it all blue. Adding in a garage. 2006 comes and you decide to remake the house walls and do it all in glass only for you 3 years later in 2009 to sand the glass to make it less see-through, adding a new kitchen and climate control system to all the rooms. 2012 comes around and you have a midlife crisis and replace your driveway to take up the entire width of your front yard with blinking lights all around. In 2013 your wife has nagged you about the stupid driveway for so long, that you decide to give her a smaller one, but still with blinking lights. In 2015 you decide you hate glass and replace all the walls again with concrete and make sure that all corners are razorblade sharp and declare that this is the last house you will ever build, only to secretly admit to yourself that all of that history build into the house, including the asbestos, lead pipes, fabric cables and what not, is too complex and hard to maintain, that you secretly decide to buy the property next door and try to recreate the entire old house with new materials, modern standards, modular and more secure. And then find out that you could not build everything in secret from scratch in time for Christmas and therefor have rushed many things and leave out some stuff.
MEthod 2:
In fact, back in June of 2021, you were so excited about the new house you were building that you decided to finally let your wife in on your big secret, and that you were all eventually going to move to this new home. You invite her to take a tour of the almost finished house.
“We’re gonna move in on October 5!” you tell her, lighting up with excitement. She’s surprised, telling you “but that’s only a couple of months away. I don’t think it’s going to be ready for moving in, shouldn’t we wait until it’s all finished?” She’s skeptical about you having made all the construction decisions without consulting with her, and that you’re keeping the detailed blueprints about what’s planned secret to yourself.
You try your best to reassure her, telling her that’s it’s going to be great and that she’ll love it when you all finally move over. You tell her “look, if there’s anything you’d like me to do differently you can always tell me. I’d love to hear your feedback.” Hearing this your wife feels very much relieved, because she had been happily living in your house ever since you moved in together some 26 years ago and always felt right at home, not really feeling a need for change. She trusts you and is convinced you weren’t going to disappoint her after all of those happy years.
Feeling respected and reassured that you’re going to listen to what she thinks and care about what’s important to her, she says “alright, maybe you’re right and leave some old things behind.” So from now on, every week or so, you let her visit the the new house to check on how it’s coming along. She says “yeah… I know I told you in 2013 that I wanted a smaller driveway, but I never said we should just get rid of it. I don’t understand why we’re not going to have a driveway at all now. How am I supposed to park the car in the garage now?” You tell her “oh don’t worry, it’s not done yet. There’s still time before we move over. Just let me finish working. Thanks for letting me know though, I’ve added it to the list of things to consider.”
A couple of weeks pass by without much visible progress, when one day you excitedly show off your newest accomplishment to her: “Hey, we’re getting a new doorbell with a new sound, and I’ve exchanged more of the light switches to ones with rounded corners! You’re gonna love it!”
Slightly disappointed that work on the driveway does not seem to have started yet, your wife reminds you that a garage without a driveway is pretty much useless to her. Of course you’re well aware of that, so you tell her “yeah, I know, but I have been busy with the light switches… you know you already told me, there’s no need to remind me every couple of days. The driveway is still on my list of things to consider.”
More weeks pass, and you’re happy about the progress you’re making. Most recently you have put stepping stones with rounded corners on the lawn, a great improvement over the square ones you had before. October 5 is approaching fast and you can’t wait to move over all your stuff. Your wife isn’t talking much about the new house. She quietly hopes that once you’re actually living in the new house day to day you’ll see that you were going to need that driveway after all.
October 5: The big day is here, and you’re moving all of your stuff over. It goes mostly well, because many of the rooms in the new house still look like before. Your wife parks the car on the street, pissed that she now has to carry the groceries all the way across the lawn even in the pouring rain. “Oh come on, it’s not that big of a deal,” you tell her. “I don’t even usually bring groceries to the house, so it can’t be that important. Besides, some people say the walk across the lawn is now actually much nicer than before with all the rounded stepping stones. And believe it or not, construction on the house hasn’t stopped, actually. I’m going to continue working on it even now. I know I know, you still want a driveway, and you’ll be happy to hear it’s still on my list.”
“But just look at these brand new note pads I’ve ordered with rounded corners and darker pages that are much easier on the eyes…”