What’s new in LinkedIn 2017? New style- new layout

What’s new in LinkedIn 2017? New style- new layout. New, LinkedIn  have new Layout in early year 2017- a layout what is Very Different Desktop Experience.Although LinkedIn want better experience on both mobile or tablet and desktop or laptop and but this layout seem make the  features are removed or replaced without notice, user get a little anxious!



What’s new on linkedIn 2017
1- Support very much font:
Source Sans Pro,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro,Meiryo,Hiragino Sans GB W3,Noto Naskh Arabic,Droid Arabic Naskh,Geeza Pro,Simplified Arabic,Noto Sans Thai,Thonburi,Dokchampa,Droid Sans Thai,Droid Sans Fallback,-apple-system,’.SFNSDisplay-Regular’,Heiti SC,Microsoft Yahei,Segoe UI.
2- Landing page wider and  display simple icon:
3- Speed of website lower
4- Adapting better in many device
5- Quick tool bar:



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