Top youtube channels, website for people to learn Japanese by themselves

Top youtube channels, website for people to learn Japanese by themselves. Introducing some great websites for Japanese language learners. These are general information pages. Remember that learning Japanese successfully is not enough, it’s a process of tremendous hard work

1- NHK- Website of the only radio station in Japan
This website is very good for you to learn the basic communication. Simple website interface, fast loading, many modern functions, reading text right on the picture for you to remember. This is my most used web

2- The youtube channel of Dung Mori
If you have a comfortable, light and humorous style, the string is a great channel. I often watch this clip of you with a pretty plump and gossipy style (like Hang Banh, Miss Linh Flat of English: v- I don’t know how Miss Mac Ha teaches Japanese A49): v)
This is also the most frequently updated channel with the most words

3- Japanese language youtube channel cosmos
This is the channel that will lead you to a paid website. Pay to learn. However its free portion is also sufficient. This teacher is a little heavy voice but not gentle, but quite suitable for someone with a heavy ear and forgetful like me =))
Finally, other terrible websites learn Japanese for people who are more advanced:
Japanese dictionary for Firefox rikaichan.
This site has a lot of grammar lessons in mp3 file along with the pdf transcript + explanation of grammar for each accompanying lesson, used for free for a week, then it will cost you.
This page as mentioned above you need to download the free software to install to use, otherwise it will be locked all the levels only free the first lesson. If you do not know where to download or how to install it, please give me a PM.
This site has a lot of Japanese tests of grammar, vocabulary and Kanji, and also tests for JLPT from N5 to N1.
This page has a list of Kanji, vocabulary, grammar that you need to master to practice JLPT Japanese ability.

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